Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Please visit my website at www.cs.trinity.edu/~jramsey

This website was harder to mak than I thought it was going to be. I used Expression Web to make my website and I like the first page the most because it shows downtown Nashville. If I could change anything, I would add another page showing my schedule. The biggest technical challange was the entire project. The hardest part to design was my page with all of my favorite musicians. I probably won't show many people this or make another one.


The best advice for taking this class is come to every class and make sure you pay attemtion. You have to do the homework and the only way to know how to do it is to pay attention in class. Do not miss the day you learn Photoshop because you'll be really lost for the rest of the semester.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


What might look like a beautiful sunny day in downtown Nashville TN started as a normal day, but quickly turned into a tragedy when King Kong took a woman hostage. Think it can't get any worse? wrong. If you look closely you can see that Godzilla has snuck into the picture. I chose this picture because it describes perfectly and metaphorically the current economic situation throughout the country. This isn't the first time that Godzilla was there to save the day, just like in the 1999 film, Godzilla
This picture originated in nashville during the 2nd attack by fictional movie characters. The picture was slightly manipulated though. I used Hue/saturation, the dodge tool, the history brush, the rectangular select tool, and the magic wand tool.It was manipulated to show the average life of someone living in Nashville, however it was not manipulated in a bad way.It relates to the article I read because part of my picture is shaded and darkened, as was the picture i saw

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

favorite majors!

I really liked John Nathans presentation on being an orthodontist. He showed how that would be an interesting job. I also liked C.J. Robinson's. I had no idea about the opportunities in the Navy especially for someone with a Law degree.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Power Point is a great tool for your computer. The 5 main things i like about power point are 1. Entrance options- you can make different words come in differently 2. exit options- you can make your words disappear in the same way, or another way 3. a video from youtube canbe put into your presentation 4. there are many different layout options 5. sound can be added to your powerpoint. I don't like how difficult it is to choose layouts that match though.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Copyright Laws and "Fair Use"

Copyright has been around since the founding of America and is still very alive today! It has goNe thrOugh some changes but for the most part it has stayed the same. A copyright in short is a persons right to and idea, invention, or discovery they may have made. A common problem today is the option of "Fair Use" which states that any one can sample another's work, either for criticism or educational reasons. One side says that since they own the copyright, no one can use any part of their material, but the other side says that they should be able to use parts of it so that they can learn from it. I think that Fair Use is acceptable because the person who is using the copyrighted materials isn't trying to steal the invention or infringe on any rights, but they are just wanting to see the copyrighted item and learn from it.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Network Diagram

I ejoyed the tour we took as a clas. It was interesting to see how the internet works on campus. I liked how they have set up the campus to be helpful for us no matter where we are.